Deep Feelings

Shorts Attack in Dezember 2024

6 films in 90 minutes – with German subtitles

Great emotions for an Indonesian couple under pressure to reproduce, for a small talk with God, for a boy whose brother is deaf and for two starkly different people. What remains is the – Oscar-nominated – spawning migration of salmon and an alien who wants to save the world via an enchanted cat.

The program:

David Fidalgo
Spain 2022
11 min
World salvation grotesque   
David leads a happy life with his Sandwich Cat until an alien posesses its body and he is plummeted into a fast-paced vortex.


Tondex-2000bTONDEX 2000    
Jean-Baptiste Leonetti
France 2023
28 min
Live Action
Veteran Sylvain steals Nathalie’s car. He drives back, enabling the wealthy, stressed-out CEO mom and raging small-time criminal to enter into conversation.


Peter Kimball
USA 2022
10 min
His brother is deaf
When Lincoln’s family learns that his younger brother Bennett is deaf, he and his family try their best to get to know him, and what it means to be deaf.


Ben Brand
Netherland 2020
9 min
Live Action
Kosmic Outlook
When a man (you) dies in a traffic accident and gets into a conversation with God, he gets an answer to the biggest question of life.


40-10002_Wild Summon2WILD SUMMON
Karni Arieli & Saul Freed
England 2023
14 min
A natural history fantasy film that traces the dramatic life cycle of wild salmon in human form. Narrated by Marianne Faithfull.


Basri_&_Salma_dalam_Komedi_yang_Terus_Berputar2BASRI & SALMA IN A NERVER-ENDING COMEDY
Khozy Rizal
Indonesia 2023 – 15 min
Live Action
Reproductive comedy
They work at a funfair, they don’t meet their family’s expectations when it comes to children, but they still have fun.


Founded in 2002 and every month new: This is edition 264 of Shorts Attack!




Original Theme by Falling Up Media